Conference evaluation Agradecemos profundamente que complete la evaluación. Esto nos ayudará a mejorar y continuar brindando nuestros Servicios. La misma es anónima y confidencial Participant information *Padre/madre, Tutor o encargadoFamiliar, Padre líderDisabled person / self-advocateProfessionalStudentCollege studentOtherIf you marked professional or student, please specifyProfessionalStudentOtro (Por favor especifique)The person you care for or the population you work with is: *0-14 years (before transition)14-18 or 21 years old (in transition)18 or 21 years old and older (after transition)Impedimento o condición de salud de la persona a quien cuida o la población con la que:(Sino no es relavante, escribir NO APLICA)Si se considera persona con impedimento o auto intercesor por favor indique su edadCuál es su Impedimento o condición de saludRace:White/CaucasianAfrican/AmericanNative AmericanDos (2) o más RazasNot disclosedEthnicity:Hispanic or LatinoNot Hispanic or LatinoNot disclosedPanel: Justicia educativa en los servicios relacionados mediante trabajo interdisciplinario(Perspectiva de la Educación (-Dra. Ana Miró, Facultad de Educación, UPR, RP); Perspectiva de Consejería en Rehabilitación (Dra. Maribel Báez, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UPR, RP; Perspectiva de Psicología (Dra. Nellie Zambrana, Facultad de Educación, UPR, RP)1. The conference helped me increase my knowledge on the topic *1-totally agree2- agree3- disagree4- totally disagree2. The information received is useful for my personal and professional life *1- totally agree2- agree3- disagree4- totally disagree3. The resources showed mastery of the topic *1- totally agree2- agree3- disagree4- totally disagree4. El material utilizado en las presentaciones es adecuado y está actualizado *1- totally agree2- agree3- disagree4- totally disagree5. I can apply the information received as a parent or professional *1- totally agree2- agree3- disagree4- totally disagree6. Suggestions and comments:5. I can apply the information received as a parent or professional *1- totally agree2- agree3- disagree4- totally disagreeGeneral conference evaluationThe conference was:excellentregularfulfilled my expectationsIt didn't meet my expectationsTopics of interest for future conferences:I found out about the conference from:Comments:Send