Conference evaluation Thank you for filling out our evaluation. It is anonymous and confidential. The results serve to improve the quality of our services. Participant information *Father, primary caregiver, family memberParent leaderDisabled person / self-advocateProfessionalStudentCollege studentIf you marked professional or student, please specifyProfessional *Student *The person you care for or the population you work with is: *0-14 years (before transition)14-18 or 21 years old (in transition)18 or 21 years old and older (after transition)Impairment or health condition of the person you care for or the population with whom you work: *(If not relevant, write NOT APPLICABLE)If you consider yourself a person with a disability or a self-advocate, please tell us your age.What is your disability or health condition?Race: *White/CaucasianAfrican/AmericanNative AmericanTwo (2) or more racesNot disclosedEthnicity: *Hispanic or LatinoNot Hispanic or LatinoNot disclosedPanel:- Lcdo. Eliezer Ramos - Dra. Nancy Viana, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UPR, RP - Dr. Fernando Aybar, Facultad de Educación, UPR, RP1. Did the conference help me increase my knowledge on the topic? *1-totally agree2- agree3- disagree4- totally disagree2. The information received is useful for my personal and professional life *1- totally agree2- agree3- disagree4- totally disagree3. The resources showed mastery of the topic *1- totally agree2- agree3- disagree4- totally disagree4. The material used in the presentation is appropriate and up to date *1- totally agree2- agree3- disagree4- totally disagree5. I can apply the information received as a parent or professional *1- totally agree2- agree3- disagree4- totally disagree6. Suggestions and comments:THE CONFERENCE WAS:excellentregularfulfilled my expectationsIt didn't meet my expectationsTopics of interest for future conferences:I found out about the conference from:Comments:Send