A Federal program of the Department of Health and Human Services that assists in providing comprehensive early childhood education as well as comprehensive health and counseling services to low-income families.
Program that offers care, education and nutrition for newborns, infants up to 3 years old and low-income mothers in order to ensure that they develop in a stable and healthy way.
Información de contacto: Directora del Programa: Sra. María L Beauchamp
Tel: (787) 544-3138
Email: mlbeauchamp@hsbarceloneta.org
Postal Address: Carretera 129, Km. 9.3
Barrio Campo Alegre, Hatillo, Puerto Rico, 00659
Esquina, Calle, 16 y, Calle Tulipan, Urb, Bayamón, 00956, Puerto Rico