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Escuela Anita Otero (Departamento de Educación)

Anita Otero School (Department of Education)

(787) 285-5575
Mark Favorite


The Puerto Rican school must be an effective instrument for the construction of a just and democratic society, cultivating ethics, solidarity and social conscience. It must be a dynamic unit of social change, capable of explicitly developing the attitudes, skills and knowledge that prepare students competently and creatively to face the challenges of the modern world. Education must respond to the varied needs and talents of students, diversifying offerings with creative learning and assessment alternatives, both during regular hours and extended hours. We recognize the importance of the development of knowledge and academic skills, in harmony with the emotional and social development of the student.

Garantizar una educación gratuita y no sectaria, que desarrolle las actitudes, destrezas y conocimientos de todos los estudiantes para que los preparen para desempeñarse con éxito en un mercado laboral globalizado y de manera competente y con creatividad a los retos del mundo moderno, independientes, aprendices de por vida, respetuosos de la ley y del ambiente natural, y capaces de contribuir al bienestar común.

Información de contacto:
Tel:  (787) 285-5575
Correo Electrónico:

Dirección Física:  Zona Industrial Bo. Barrio Cataño, Humacao, PR  00741

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