Youth evaluation Are you: *Father/mother, primary caregiver, family memberYoung man with disabilityOther:Specify:Race *WhiteAfrican/AmericanNative AmericanTwo (2) or more racesNot disclosedEthnicity *Hispanic or LatinoNot Hispanic or LatinoNot disclosedTown *ZIP / Postal Code *Housing Area *UrbanRuralDid the training help me increase my knowledge, understanding and ability on the subject? *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 ExcellentThe information received is useful in my personal and professional life. *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 ExcellentThe resource showed mastery of the topic *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 ExcellentIs the material used in the presentation appropriate and up-to-date? *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 ExcellentI can apply the information received to my situation *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 ExcellentThe doubts of the participants were clarified. *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 ExcellentToday I learned that:The training was: *ExcellentRegularIt fulfilled my expectationsIt didn't meet my expectationsWhat topics would you like us to discuss in future activities?How did you find out about APNI services?Suggestions and comments:Send