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Unity Day 2025

United against bullying

At APNI we will be carrying out several activities during the month of April and the closing of our awareness initiative will be on Friday, April 25, 2025.

Please stay tuned to our social media channels where the location of the closing activity will be announced. We encourage you to carry out activities around this topic with your students or team.

At APNI we are taking back the initiative Unity Day, where mass awareness activities will be carried out around bullying among peers.“Bullying”.  Through simultaneous activities in schools, workplaces and communities, we convey a strong message of action and awareness in relation to this problem.

The now Law 21 of 2022, signed on May 24, establishes that all educational institutions, public and private, must carry out orientation efforts, activities or campaigns within their institution, aimed at preventing and raising awareness among students about bullying or "“bullying”, including the cyberbullying, its effects, consequences, and the importance of respect and empathy towards other colleagues, as well as the responsibility of everyone in preventing, identifying and reporting this behavior.

At APNI we will be carrying out several activities during the month of April and the closing of our awareness initiative will be on Friday, April 25, 2025. Please stay tuned to our social networks where the location of the closing activity will be announced. We encourage you to carry out activities around this topic with your students or work team.

 If you wish to join this initiative:  

 REGISTER– Place your t-shirt order – Organize – Document

  1. Record: Each school, community or workplace, once registered, will receive a brochure with information related to raising awareness of ““Bullying” and ideas for activities that you can do with your students or work teams.

  2. You can purchase our t-shirts and socks related to the theme at a low price.

  3. Document the activities you carry out at your school or workplace with photos and videos and share them with us via email: or tag our Facebook under APNI Parent Support. Use Hashtag #NoAlBullying #DiadelaUnidad

  4. Remember to request and have signed a waiver of liability for taking photos or videos of participants.

 For more information, contact us at ;  / 787-763-4665

Purchase order

T-shirts and socks available. If you have any questions, please contact us. at 7877634665 or

Information about "Bullying"