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Executive director

 Director's Message

Celia Galán Rivera, Executive Director

Welcome to the website of APNI, Inc. (Support for Parents of Children with Disabilities), a space designed where you will find information and tools about the rights and services available for the population with disabilities in Puerto Rico.

APNI is a private, non-profit organization that for the past 44 years has provided services to families of children and youth with disabilities throughout the island. In 1977, the United States Congress passed LP 94-142, the Children with Disabilities Education Act, currently known as the IDEIA Act, “Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act” and since then, APNI was designated by the Federal Department of Education as one of the first three Parent Training and Information Centers (PTI, “Parent Training Information Center”, for its acronym in English). Today there are around 104 parent information centers throughout the nation.

During our career, we have developed collaborative projects and alliances with public and private agencies. Through our projects, we serve more than 20,000 parents and professionals. As part of our services, we offer training on special education topics to parents and professionals so that they acquire the knowledge and skills necessary so that they can work collaboratively in everything related to the education and health services of children and young people with disabilities. impediments. In addition, we actively participate in forums, support groups, advisory committees and public hearings, in order to ensure the inclusion of our population.

We currently have the following projects:

  • Parent Training and Information Center (PTI)
  • Preschool Services Coordinators Project
  • Advocacy Services
  • Respite: “Time for family”
  • Coordination of transportation services for pregnant women
  • Unity Day: unite against “Bullying”
  • Parent Leaders Academy, where parents are trained to support other parents in their communities.

Our organization has become the largest center of support, guidance and training for families, providers and the community in general, with the purpose of guaranteeing full inclusion of the population with disabilities in Puerto Rico.

Through our services we support the Vision, Mission and Institutional Values. We have highly qualified personnel with the sensitivity to support and empower families.


Celia Galan

Executive director