Eradicating bullying in our schools ASSESSMENT Eradicating bullying in our schools Thank you for filling out our evaluation. It is anonymous and confidential. The results serve to improve the quality of our services. Training date *Indicate those that apply to you: ** Mother/father of a child with a disability* Student* Family member of a person with a disability* Professional related to education* Health-related professional* Young person or adult with disabilities1. Did the training help me increase my knowledge on the subject? *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent2. The information received is useful in my life *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent3. The resources showed mastery of the topic *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent4. Is the material used in the presentation appropriate and up-to-date? *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent5. I can apply the information received to my situation *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent6. Would you recommend our training to friends and family? *Please select an optionYeahNo7. How did you find out about APNI services? 8. Suggestions and comments:GIVEAWAY: Fanny Pack (First Aid Kit)Only for a limited time (for the first 10 people) You must pick it up at the APNI facilities.EmailSend Thank you