Empowering families with or at risk of congenital ZIKA infection

Empowering families with or at risk of congenital ZIKA infection

This project aims to empower families of children with or at risk of congenital ZIKA infection. Our priority is for families to acquire the knowledge and skills that allow them to feel confident and competent when interacting with or selecting health care providers for their children.

Families will receive the support and information necessary to ensure that they have an active participation in making decisions about their children's health care. Through this project, parents and professionals will be trained with the purpose of promoting the active participation of families in all processes.

Information to be offered:

  • Protocol for monitoring infants born to mothers with laboratory evidence of ZIKA virus infection during pregnancy.
  • Information about the services, resources, and health care available to these families both in the health system and in their community.
  • Training will be carried out and assistance will be provided at all levels according to the family's needs. In these trainings, topics such as:
  • The impact of a ZIKA diagnosis within the family.
  • Warning signs (monitoring and detection)
  • How to navigate the health care system.
  • How to be an active participant in my child's health services with a focus on Medical Home.
  • Rights and responsibilities of the patient and caregiver.

For more information, contact Miss Roseani Sánchez at 787-763-4665.

January- Birth Defects Month




  1. Alert
  2. Medical services
  3. ZIKA and the Family

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Administrative Order 429 – Zika-2020

OA 369_SEP 2017



ZIKA Newsletter

Opuscle (Children with Special Medical Needs Division)









Conversation on Visual Impairments Resource Adriana Mattei Sosa Specialist in Visual Impairments



Talk on Basic Principles of Behavior Modification and How to Manage Children's Behavior at Home by Roseani Sánchez, Specialist in Behavior Modification and Autism.