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Unity Day – 2015

Unity Day Appreciation

On behalf of the Board of Directors, the APNI staff and myself, I want to express our deepest gratitude to all those who made possible the participation of their schools, service centers and universities in the Unity Day, activity took place on October 14, 2015. We celebrated this event for the fourth consecutive year and there were many schools that unanimously participated throughout the island. Thank you for supporting us in this initiative to raise awareness about bullying. People like you are the ones who encourage us to continue our work and desire to improve the quality of life on our beloved island.


Winner of the Video Contest, Federico Asenjo School, Mayagüez – (Video)

Drawing Contest Winner, Julyanis L. Ortiz Mercado – Urban Elementary School, Lajas

Dia de la Unidad, dile no al Bullying
Unity Day, say no to Bullying