Certenejas I y II (Centro Head Start)

Certenejas I y II (Centro Head Start)

(787) 263-0686
Mark Favorite


A Federal program of the Department of Health and Human Services that assists in providing comprehensive early childhood education as well as comprehensive health and counseling services to low-income families.

**Libre de costo**

Información de contacto:  Sra. Idenise Díaz, Directora
Tel:  (787) 263-0686  /  (787) 744-7250
Correo Electrónico:  headstart_mcayey@yahoo.com

Dirección Física:  Carr. #172 Km 7.5 Interior Sector Monte Verde Bo. Bayamón, Cidra, PR  00739

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Carretera #172 Km.7.5 InteriorSector Monte Verde Barrio Bayamón