Early Head Start & Head Start
Program that offers care, education and nutrition for newborns, infants up to 3 years old and low-income mothers in order to ensure that they develop in a stable and healthy way.
A Federal program of the Department of Health and Human Services that assists in providing comprehensive early childhood education as well as comprehensive health and counseling services to low-income families.
Información de contacto: Carmen Villafañe, Directora
Tel: (787) 753-1321 / (787) 753-9080
Correo Electrónico: cvillafane@nyf.org
Dirección Física: Constitución Esquina Calle Santa
Elena Península de Cantera, San Juan, PR 00915
John O'Connor, El Progreso, San Carlos de Bariloche, Departamento Bariloche, Río Negro Province, 8400, Argentina