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Vocational Rehabilitation Administration
Care Centers/Care Home (Child Care)
Service Centers (TH, TO, TF, Psychological Services)
Special Education Service Centers
Specialized Service Centers for Children with Special Medical Needs
Specialized Autism Centers
Private Preschool Centers
Medical Plan Coverages
Pediatric Dentist
Non-Profit Entities or Corporations
Private schools
Public schools
Public Schools (Montessori Model)
Specialists for adults with disabilities
Head Start and Early Head Start
Family Doctor
Specialist doctors
Pediatric Doctors
Office of the Patient Advocate
Early Head Start and Head Start Program Central Offices
Speech and Language Pathology
Technology Assistance Program
Independent Living Program
Legal Services of Puerto Rico, Inc.
Psychological Services
Health-related services
Pediatric Physical Therapy
Psychological Therapies and/or Services

Roberto Silva Morales

Public schools

Luis Muñiz Souffront

Public schools

Julián Blanco

Public schools

Las Américas

Public schools

Julio Sellés Solá

Public schools

Padrec Rufo

Public schools

Rafael María Labra

Public schools

José Julián Acosta

Public schools

Loaíza Cordero Institute

Public schools

República Del Perú

Public schools

Ramón Power y Girald

Public schools

Dr. Facundo Bueso

Public schools

Dr.Julio J. Henna

Public schools