Early Intervention and Preschool Laws and Procedures – (PCANU 2021) ASSESSMENT Early Intervention and Preschool Laws and Procedures – (PCANU 2021) Thank you for filling out our evaluation. It is anonymous and confidential. The results serve to improve the quality of our services. Training date *Indicate those that apply to you: ** Mother/father of a child with a disability* Student* Family member of a person with a disability* Professional related to education* Health-related professional* Young person or adult with disabilities1. Did the training help me increase my knowledge on the subject? *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent2. The information received is useful in my life *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent3. The resources showed mastery of the topic *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent4. Is the material used in the presentation appropriate and up-to-date? *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent5. I can apply the information received to my situation *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent6. Would you recommend our training to friends and family? *Please select an optionYeahNo7. How did you find out about APNI services? 8. Suggestions and comments:Send Thank you