Institute on Deafblindness - Professional Development Series ASSESSMENT Thank you for filling out our evaluation. It is anonymous and confidential. The results serve to improve the quality of our services. Training title:February 24, 2025: #1 General Perspective on Deafblindness - Dr. Juanita Rodriguez #2 The Sensory System, the Brain and Learning - Prof. Sonivellise CollazoMarch 10, 2025: #3 Calendars and Routines - Prof. Marta Sanabria #4 Communication: Non-symbolic and Symbolic and Tactile - Prof. Grecel PachecoMarch 24, 2025: #5 Sign Language and Other Alternatives - Dr. Juanita Rodriguez #6 Braille & Assistive Technology - Prof. Denise Garabito Dr. José ÁlvarezApril 7, 2025: #7 Orientation and Mobility - Prof. Denise Garabito #8 Teaching Strategies - Dr. Juanita RodriguezApril 28, 2025: #9 Transition - Prof. Grecel Pacheco / Prof. Marta Sanabria #10 Team Collaboration and Intercessor - Mrs. Myrna Medina / Mrs. Saramarie RiveraAre you: *ARVHearing loss service providerDepartment of HealthHS / EHSPCANUSAEEProfessionalOtherSpecify:Race *WhiteAfrican/AmericanNative AmericanTwo (2) or more racesNot disclosedEthnicity *Hispanic or LatinoNot Hispanic or LatinoNot disclosedTown *ZIP / Postal Code *Housing Area *UrbanRural1. Did the training help me increase my knowledge, understanding and ability on the topic? *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent2. The information received is useful in my personal and professional life *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent3. The resources showed mastery of the topic *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent4. Is the material used in the presentation appropriate and up-to-date? *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 Excellent5. I can apply the information received to my situation *1 Poor2 Regular3 Good4 ExcellentToday I learned that:Would you recommend our training to friends and family? *Please select an optionYeahNoHow did you hear about our services?Suggestions and comments:Send