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Work team

In 1975, the United States Congress passed LP 94-142, the Children with Disabilities Education Act, currently known as the IDEIA Act, “Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act” and two years later in 1977, APNI was designated by the Federal Department of Education as the Parent Training and Information Center (PTI, “Parent Training Information Center”, for its acronym in English).

We are the largest support, guidance and training center for people with disabilities in Puerto Rico. Every year we serve thousands of fathers, mothers and relatives of people with disabilities and the professionals who intervene with them, throughout the island, including Vieques and Culebra.

Our ideal is that people with disabilities form a worthy part of society and have broad participation in all social, political and economic spheres. They can serve in the community exercising all their rights on equal terms with all other citizens.

We have a very committed staff who, day after day, with dedication and dedication, makes a difference in the lives of children with disabilities and their families in Puerto Rico.

“We are a true support network for families of people with disabilities and we are available to answer your questions and offer you individualized help.”
