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Act Early COVID-19

Child development: it is better to know

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides lists of developmental indicators to monitor a child's development from two months to five years of age. Ask your child's pediatrician. So that children can receive the help they deserve, we must be alert when they present any difficulty or problem in development. This is what development indicators are for. Because as the dad says in the video: “Something that seems small now could become something big without attention.”
#RecognizeTheSignsPR #baby #bebe #developmentbaby #developmentbaby #healthbaby #healthbaby 

Abilities and skills of a child from one year old

In the first year of life, the baby is in an accelerated process of development. He greets and waves goodbye, says mom and dad, starts saying other words, uses the spoon, expresses new emotions, and many more things. This short video covers the different areas of development and what the baby is expected to do at one year within each one. This way we can be better observers of early development and identify if there are areas in which the baby is not developing as expected at his or her age, or developmental milestones that he or she is not yet achieving.

Let's follow the development