Conference 2022 (virtual)


"Let's talk about transition: what, why, how and for whom?

March 9, 2022

“Transitions at an early age”, processes and strategies from the perspective of the Advancing Together Early Intervention Program of the PR Department of Health – Ms. Ana Marie Ríos López, MS, Program Coordinator [Material]

“Transitions at an early age”, processes and strategies from the perspective of the Special Education Program – Dr. Melinda S. González González, Special Education Teaching Facilitator, Department of Education [Material]

Initiatives that the ED has to serve the population with functional diversity

Online evaluation

March 11, 2022

“Know the process and actively participate in the transition…” processes and strategies from the perspective of the Special Education Program -Dr. Jessica Díaz, Associate Secretary of Special Education, Puerto Rico Department of Education [Material]

“Know the process and actively participate in the transition…” processes and strategies from the perspective of the Vocational Rehabilitation Administration -Atty. María Benítez, Director Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling Services, Puerto Rico Vocational Rehabilitation Administration [Material]

Online evaluation