young for you
This space is created for you. If you are between 14 and 18 years old, go ahead and be part of our Young Leaders Group. This Project aims to enable you to meet other young people like you. Let them support each other, have fun and learn about their rights. We want to motivate you, acquire tools that help you prepare for your life as an independent adult and continue building your path towards a successful future. Dare to be part. Register and we will contact you soon. We will wait for you!
- 🤟🏽 Reflection by Neftalí Ramos, a former student in the Department of Education's special education program, about the bullying experiences she faced. (3 mins) ILS
- Plan your future: transition to adulthood for young people by Miriam Báez Peña. (1:08 hours) [PDF]
- #YoCan Young leaders share their life experiences
- Aquatic safety with Alexis Manso (20 mins) This video was followed by a Facebook Live about aquatic safety
Articles of interest for parents
This space is for you dad or mom, who needs to understand each stage of your child.
Guide to the Transition from School to Postsecondary Life, 2nd Edition
Guidelines for Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Guidelines for Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Guide to Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders:
- Surveillance, Screening and Diagnosis was prepared by: Department of Health
- Assistant Secretariat of Family Health and Integrated Services Division of Children with Special Medical Needs
- Miguel Valencia Prado, MD, FAAP, Director
- Nancy Nieves Muñoz, EdM, CAS
- Linna Irizarry Mayoral, PhD
September 2018
The Children with Special Medical Needs Division would like to thank the following service providers, members of the BIDA Law Steering Committee, community members, and families of the Autism Spectrum Disorder population who contributed to the revision of this Guide:
- Miriam Báez Peña, APNI, Inc
- Dr. María C. González Ríos, Geneticist
- Yadiris Cruz Mangual, PHL
- Dr. Alicia Maldonado, MD
- Dr. Laura Deliz, Psychologist
- Lournet Martínez, OTR-L
- Carmen M. Fraticelli, APNI, Inc.
- Eng. Carlos O. Rodríguez, Steering Committee
- Dr. Yolanda González, Professor
- Dr. Grace Rodríguez, Psychologist
We also appreciate the collaboration of the following organizations that shared their forms and documents with our Division: the Ponceño Autism Center, the Puerto Rico Autism Center, FILIUS, and the Integral Stimulation Center.
Online training for families and professionals
The information contained in these trainings does not replace legal or specialist advice.
ILS = with sign language interpreter
Enter a search term and click the Enter key to view the highlighted text on this page.
These are some of the topics you can search for:
- sexual abuse
- Bullying or school harassment
- Reasonable accommodations
- Technological assistance
- Autism
- COMPU, Programming and Location Committee
- Conduct, discipline
- Parental rights
- Double exceptionality
- Special education, DE, ESSA, IDEA
- Emotions
- Visual impairments
- Language
- PEA, specific learning problems
- Hearing loss/deaf
- Legal protections
- Provisional Remedy
- Testimonials
- Transition
New training added
- Prevention of sexual abuse in children and young people with disabilities by Francisco Teutli, Director of the CALI AC Support and Quality of Life Center in Querétaro, Mexico (2:35 hours) ILS
- Reasonable accommodations by Dr Yolanda González, UPR (36 mins)
- New Prevention of school bullying or "bullying" by Dr. Wandivette Torres (1:18 hours)
- Technological assistance with María Miranda, director of the Technology Assistance Program for Puerto Rico.
- What is the Program Technological Assistance of Puerto Rico and what are its services? (1:33 mins)
- What should mothers and fathers do so that their sons and daughters benefit from health services? Technological Assistance? (2:48 mins)
- The importance of Technological Assistance in the educational process. How should it be included in the PEI? (1:09 mins)
- What about the team technological assistance When the student leaves the Department of Education, DE? (1:25 mins)
- Knowing the autism by Dr. Ana Miró, UPR (23 mins)
- “Debunking myths about autism” Dr Laura Deliz Bauzá (1:26 hours) ILS Materials
- “Network for surveillance autism and developmental disorders PR” by Dr Miguel Valencia (54 mins) ILS Materials
- «Panel: Autism, influence of the father figure« Moderated by Dr. Yolanda González, UPR-RP assistant professor. Panelists: Carlos Gallisá, Ángel Rivera and Gaspar Vera González (1:20 hours)
- COMPU, Programming and Location Committee
- COMPU: Functions and composition (14 mins) [Transcription][Assessment]
- COMPU: Why, who and how to request a meeting? (12 mins) [Transcription] [Assessment]
- COMPU: How to organize your file and what are your rights in relation to the official file? (4 mins) [Transcription] [Assessment] (Special education)
- COMPU: How to prepare for the meeting? (8 mins) [Transcription] [Assessment]
- COMPU: What to do on the day of the meeting? (9 mins) [Transcription] [Assessment]
- Meetings of COMPU from distance (1:44 hours) [PDF]
- Parental rights in times of emergencies (1:20hrs) [PDF]
- Action plan for behavioral and academic challenges of our students, Atty. Eliezer Ramos, Secretary of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico DE (1:03 hrs) [PDF] ILS (conduct)
- «Management emotions and "challenging behaviors" by Prof. Alicia Ortiz Pajarín (1:47 hours) ILS Materials
- Strategies for language development in early childhood (0-8 years) (34 mins) [PDF]
- Social development: stages of development, learning, socialization in children hearing loss/deaf by Dr. Rebeca López Bobonis, school psychologist (1:41 hours) ILS
- Early identification in children with hearing loss-deaf by Dr Linda Mc Dowell, National Center on Deaf-Blind Research Institute. (1:48 hours) [PDF] ILS
- Signals of hearing loss in infancy and childhood: how to work with them? by Juanita Rodríguez, Ed.D. (31 mins)
- Initiatives of the OF to serve the population with functional diversity by Dr. Jessica Díaz, Associate Secretary of Special Education, DE (19 mins) [PDF] ILS (special education)
- Double exceptionality by Dr. Ana Miró, UPR (33 mins) [Charter on civil rights for double exceptional students]
- Harmonizing ESSA IDEA through the Individualized Educational Program (PEI)– Dr. Jessica Díaz, acting associate secretary of special education (49 mins) [PDF] ILS
- ESSA IDEADoes it do justice to students with disabilities? – Atty. Israel Medina, special education lawyer (49 mins) [PDF] ILS
- Family protection: 6 legal tools what you should know» by Lcda. Yasmin Torres [PDF] (protection)
- Visual impairments, conversation with Adriana Mattei Sosa (36 mins)
- What to do when the Department of Education makes offers of services that are already received by Temporary remedy? by Lcda Gracia Berríos, Legal Services of Puerto Rico (12 mins)
- Laws and procedures special education by Iris Rivera (39 mins) [PDF]
- Laws and procedures special education for homeschoolers and equitable services by Iris Rivera (1:52 hours) [PDF]
- Modification and proper management of conduct by Dr. Wandivette Torres, clinical psychologist (1:23 hours)
- Panel: Effective intervention; preventive non-punitive (1:36 hrs) (conduct) includes these presentations:
- Disciplinary procedures in Special Education – Heriberto Quiñones, special education lawyer [PDF] ILS (discipline)
- Psychologist intervention in the emotional behavioral area – Wandivette Torres, clinical psychologist [PDF] ILS (behavior, emotions)
- Role of the social worker in behavioral incidents – Larry E. Alicea, president of the College of Social Workers [PDF] ILS
- Role of parents in the educational and disciplinary process of their children– Lumary Pérez, mother of a student with ILS disabilities (discipline)
- Basic principles of behavior modificationto with Roseani Sánchez (60 mins) (video of an orientation on Facebook Live)
- Specific learning problems by Legna Ortega Medina, PsyD. and Meyling Wong Pieraldi, M. Ed., from the SEPI Group (53 mins)
- Disciplinary procedures in special education by IrisRivera (1:32 hours) [PDF] ILS
- Individualized educational program, PEI, by our trainers Brenda Morales and Iris Rivera, Parent Training and Information Center, (2:19 hours) [PDF]
- Testimony by Ángela del Toro, mother of Angélica, 27-year-old young man with Down Syndrome (10 mins) ILS
- Testimony by Diana Alvarez Crespo, mother of Génesis, 13-year-old adolescent with Down Syndrome (7 mins) ILS
- Testimony by Digmarie Feliciano, mother of Dariel, 3-year-old boy with Down Syndrome (9 mins) ILS
- Transitions in early age: Program Moving forward together from the Department of Health by Ana Marie Ríos López (50 mins) [PDF] ILS
- Transitions in early age: special education program from the Department of Education by Dr. Melinda González (1:28 hours) [PDF] [Preschool guide, March 2021] ILS
- Know the process and actively participate in the transition: processes and strategies from the perspective of the special education program by Dr. Jessica Díaz, Associate Secretary of Special Education, Department of Education (1:10 hours) [PDF] ILS
- cknows the process and actively participates in the transition: processes and strategies from the perspective of Vocational Rehabilitation Administration by Lcda. María Benítez, Director of the Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling Services Office, Vocational Rehabilitation Administration (1:33 hours) [PDF] ILS
Annual conferences
- 41st Annual Conference 2023 «Autism: beyond the diagnosis» ILS
- 40th Annual Conference 2023 "What we do today will have an impact on their future, we are all responsible" ILS
- 39th Annual APNI Conference 2022: «Let's talk about transition: what, why, how and for whom? ILS
Young for you – visit our section dedicated to your interests.
APNI Bulletins:
- 2024-Advocacy: When should parents request the service?
- 2023 – APNI Respite Services
- 2022 – Cyberbullying
- 2021 – Individualized Educational Program and the participation of students with disabilities in state academic assessments
- 2020 – Large scale disasters… How to help children
- 2019– When I thought I knew it all
- 2018 – Resilience… If it is possible to overcome and emerge stronger from difficult situations
- 2017 – 40th Anniversary APNI…! And we continue to fight!
- 2016 – “Because he drinks what you drink”, Facts on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
- 2015 – Children with sensory processing problems sometimes exhibit extreme behavior.
- 2014 – You suspect that your child has some delay and is going to start Kindergarten, I recommend that you call us or get guidance from your nearest CSEE.
- 2013 – Doubts about the COMPU? The COMPU and the writing of the PEI [Individualized Educational Program] are fundamental in the educational process of children.
- 2012 – Inclusive Education; A School for All / Planning the Transition to Adulthood
- 2011 – Alternatives for Dispute Resolution / Five (5) steps to effectively intervene with the bully child
- 2010 – Children with Disabilities: Understanding the problems of Siblings, “The typical sibling can feel jealous”
- 2009 – Talk to Your Child about Bullying