The information contained in these trainings does not replace legal or specialist advice.
ILS = with sign language interpreter
Enter a search term and click the Enter key to view the highlighted text on this page.
These are some of the topics you can search for:
- sexual abuse
- Bullying or school harassment
- Reasonable accommodations
- Technological assistance
- Autism
- COMPU, Programming and Location Committee
- Conduct, discipline
- Parental rights
- Double exceptionality
- Special education, DE, ESSA, IDEA
- Emotions
- Visual impairments
- Language
- PEA, specific learning problems
- Hearing loss/deaf
- Legal protections
- Provisional Remedy
- Testimonials
- Transition
New training added
- Prevention of sexual abuse in children and young people with disabilities by Francisco Teutli, Director of the CALI AC Support and Quality of Life Center in Querétaro, Mexico (2:35 hours) ILS
- Reasonable accommodations by Dr Yolanda González, UPR (36 mins)
- New Prevention of school bullying or "bullying" by Dr. Wandivette Torres (1:18 hours)
- Technological assistance with María Miranda, director of the Technology Assistance Program for Puerto Rico.
- What is the Program Technological Assistance of Puerto Rico and what are its services? (1:33 mins)
- What should mothers and fathers do so that their sons and daughters benefit from health services? Technological Assistance? (2:48 mins)
- The importance of Technological Assistance in the educational process. How should it be included in the PEI? (1:09 mins)
- What about the team technological assistance When the student leaves the Department of Education, DE? (1:25 mins)
- Knowing the autism by Dr. Ana Miró, UPR (23 mins)
- “Debunking myths about autism” Dr Laura Deliz Bauzá (1:26 hours) ILS Materials
- “Network for surveillance autism and developmental disorders PR” by Dr Miguel Valencia (54 mins) ILS Materials
- «Panel: Autism, influence of the father figure« Moderated by Dr. Yolanda González, UPR-RP assistant professor. Panelists: Carlos Gallisá, Ángel Rivera and Gaspar Vera González (1:20 hours)
- COMPU, Programming and Location Committee
- COMPU: Functions and composition (14 mins) [Transcription][Assessment]
- COMPU: Why, who and how to request a meeting? (12 mins) [Transcription] [Assessment]
- COMPU: How to organize your file and what are your rights in relation to the official file? (4 mins) [Transcription] [Assessment] (Special education)
- COMPU: How to prepare for the meeting? (8 mins) [Transcription] [Assessment]
- COMPU: What to do on the day of the meeting? (9 mins) [Transcription] [Assessment]
- Meetings of COMPU from distance (1:44 hours) [PDF]
- Parental rights in times of emergencies (1:20hrs) [PDF]
- Action plan for behavioral and academic challenges of our students, Atty. Eliezer Ramos, Secretary of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico DE (1:03 hrs) [PDF] ILS (conduct)
- «Management emotions and "challenging behaviors" by Prof. Alicia Ortiz Pajarín (1:47 hours) ILS Materials
- Strategies for language development in early childhood (0-8 years) (34 mins) [PDF]
- Social development: stages of development, learning, socialization in children hearing loss/deaf by Dr. Rebeca López Bobonis, school psychologist (1:41 hours) ILS
- Early identification in children with hearing loss-deaf by Dr Linda Mc Dowell, National Center on Deaf-Blind Research Institute. (1:48 hours) [PDF] ILS
- Signals of hearing loss in infancy and childhood: how to work with them? by Juanita Rodríguez, Ed.D. (31 mins)
- Initiatives of the OF to serve the population with functional diversity by Dr. Jessica Díaz, Associate Secretary of Special Education, DE (19 mins) [PDF] ILS (special education)
- Double exceptionality by Dr. Ana Miró, UPR (33 mins) [Charter on civil rights for double exceptional students]
- Harmonizing ESSA IDEA through the Individualized Educational Program (PEI)– Dr. Jessica Díaz, acting associate secretary of special education (49 mins) [PDF] ILS
- ESSA IDEADoes it do justice to students with disabilities? – Atty. Israel Medina, special education lawyer (49 mins) [PDF] ILS
- Family protection: 6 legal tools what you should know» by Lcda. Yasmin Torres [PDF] (protection)
- Visual impairments, conversation with Adriana Mattei Sosa (36 mins)
- What to do when the Department of Education makes offers of services that are already received by Temporary remedy? by Lcda Gracia Berríos, Legal Services of Puerto Rico (12 mins)
- Laws and procedures special education by Iris Rivera (39 mins) [PDF]
- Laws and procedures special education for homeschoolers and equitable services by Iris Rivera (1:52 hours) [PDF]
- Modification and proper management of conduct by Dr. Wandivette Torres, clinical psychologist (1:23 hours)
- Panel: Effective intervention; preventive non-punitive (1:36 hrs) (conduct) includes these presentations:
- Disciplinary procedures in Special Education – Heriberto Quiñones, special education lawyer [PDF] ILS (discipline)
- Psychologist intervention in the emotional behavioral area – Wandivette Torres, clinical psychologist [PDF] ILS (behavior, emotions)
- Role of the social worker in behavioral incidents – Larry E. Alicea, president of the College of Social Workers [PDF] ILS
- Role of parents in the educational and disciplinary process of their children– Lumary Pérez, mother of a student with ILS disabilities (discipline)
- Basic principles of behavior modificationto with Roseani Sánchez (60 mins) (video of an orientation on Facebook Live)
- Specific learning problems by Legna Ortega Medina, PsyD. and Meyling Wong Pieraldi, M. Ed., from the SEPI Group (53 mins)
- Disciplinary procedures in special education by IrisRivera (1:32 hours) [PDF] ILS
- Individualized educational program, PEI, by our trainers Brenda Morales and Iris Rivera, Parent Training and Information Center, (2:19 hours) [PDF]
- Testimony by Ángela del Toro, mother of Angélica, 27-year-old young man with Down Syndrome (10 mins) ILS
- Testimony by Diana Alvarez Crespo, mother of Génesis, 13-year-old adolescent with Down Syndrome (7 mins) ILS
- Testimony by Digmarie Feliciano, mother of Dariel, 3-year-old boy with Down Syndrome (9 mins) ILS
- Transitions in early age: Program Moving forward together from the Department of Health by Ana Marie Ríos López (50 mins) [PDF] ILS
- Transitions in early age: special education program from the Department of Education by Dr. Melinda González (1:28 hours) [PDF] [Preschool guide, March 2021] ILS
- Know the process and actively participate in the transition: processes and strategies from the perspective of the special education program by Dr. Jessica Díaz, Associate Secretary of Special Education, Department of Education (1:10 hours) [PDF] ILS
- cknows the process and actively participates in the transition: processes and strategies from the perspective of Vocational Rehabilitation Administration by Lcda. María Benítez, Director of the Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling Services Office, Vocational Rehabilitation Administration (1:33 hours) [PDF] ILS
Annual conferences
- 41st Annual Conference 2023 «Autism: beyond the diagnosis» ILS
- 40th Annual Conference 2023 "What we do today will have an impact on their future, we are all responsible" ILS
- 39th Annual APNI Conference 2022: «Let's talk about transition: what, why, how and for whom? ILS